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Siddheshwar Temple, Toke - A Bael leaf blooming on Pravara Sangam.


Panel on the wall

Siddheshwar Temple, Toke seems like a Bael leaf in stone, blooming on the confluence of Amrutwahini Pravara and Dakshinganga Godavari. There are many temples like Siddheshwar, Ghateshwar, Mukteshwar, Rameshwar and Sangameshwar which are situated on this confluence, known as Parvara Sangam. Siddheshwar is the most significant and beautiful temple from the temple group. 

This is situated in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra State in India. While going from Ahmednagar to Aurangabad, you can see this temple on the banks of the river on left hand side. Let me tell you that for visiting the world famous Ajanata and Ellora caves, you have to go to Aurangabad.

The area around the Siddheshwar Temple looks like this! This photo was taken in September 2019. The rainy season was in its last leg and the rivers were having lots of water in them. 

Area near the Temple

This Siddheshwar Temple complex is comparatively a new temple complex built in 18th century, the Peshawa period. There is a small fortress like wall around the temple. The main temple is Shiva Temple. 

Birds Eye view of the Shiv Temple 

Nandi, being the vehicle of Shiva, is always present in front of Shiva temple, facing the sanctum. You can see here, in Siddheshwar Temple, one of the most beautifully decorated Nandis. The carving of the bell strings, Ghungaroo strings, different designs of chains on them make the Nandi very lively. Even you can see the cloth which is draped on his back. 

Decorated Nandi

 Nandi is always facing the sanctum telling the devotees to focus on Parameshwara- god. 
After we admire the beautiful carvings on Nandi, we come across the half outer wall of the Shiv Temple. It has intricate carving on it. Ramayana and Mahabharata scenes as well various other beautiful images are carved on the four walls of this temple. 

On one of the panels, we can see a king coming with a procession to the temple. It is said that it is the procession Nanasaheb Peshawa coming to Siddheshwar Temple. 

Dwarpal and Beautiful carvings on the wall. 

Ram - Ravan Yudha

In this panel, we can see the scene of Ram- Ravan Yuddha. Ravan is with ten heads, twenty hands and Ram and Lakshman are fighting with him. Both of them are having bows ready to shoot arrows. See the difference in their sizes! Ravana being an asur, a demon, he is shown huge in size here and Ram and Lakshman being human beings, they are shown of normal sizes. We can see Hanuman sitting on the tree.

Hanuman And Dronagiri
📷Jayant Abhyankar

Here we can see Hanuman bringing Dronagiri Parvat with the medicines for Ram and Lakshman. I don't know what is the storage chest doing there! May be it's for storing weapons. We can't miss the design carved on the chest. 

Krishna /Mahabharat
📷Jayant Abhyankar 

Most probably, this scene is showing Krishna on the tree. He has taken clothes of Gopis with him and the Gopis are preying him to give back their clothes. 

Sukeshini- A beautiful lady with long hair
📷Jayant Abhyankar

A woman with long hair is trying to arrange her hair. The bird down there thinks that her hair are the stems of Lotus flowers and so the bird is holding her hair in it's mouth!! The lady is trying to take out the strands from the bird's mouth. See the jewelry designs, surely long earrings were in fashion at that time! 

Bhim and Hanuman

This is a scene from Mahabharat. When Bhim started thinking that he was the most powerful person on this earth and started boasting about it, Hanuman took the form of an old man and told Bhim to lift his tail. Bhim couldn't lift the tail and realized that this old man must be Hanuman. 

A lady tying Ghungaroo String

Sabhagruh- Meeting place in the Shiv Temple

When we go inside, the Sabhagruh is having a dome shaped roof. Though there are not many carvings on it, we can see the deities of all directions. You can see a tortoise at the entrance, which is integral part of Hindu temples. Tortoise is a symbol of detachment, perseverance, knowledge and many other things.

Siddheshwar Mahadev

When we come out of the Shiv Temple, we can see another temple with very interesting pattern. It is star shaped with five angles. It is a Devi temple and we can see figures of Devis like Matrukas carved on the outside walls of the temple. 

Star shaped devi Temple. 

 Different forms of Devi are carved on the exterior of the temple. 

📷Jayant Abhyankar

The Devi (goddess) is having four hands. Right back hand is having a weapon. We can see a huge fruit in her left back hand. Most probably it's name is Mahalung. In left front hand is a jar named as Kamandalu to keep water in it. I couldn't understand what is there in her right front hand. If you know, please write in the comment box. 

📷Jayant Abhyankar
This Devi is also having four hands. She is having weapons named Trishul and Sword in her right hand. In her back left hand, she is having a musical instrument called Damaru. I Couldn't figure out what she is having in her left front hand. It can be a leaf or it can only be a Varad Mudra posture of hand. 

📷Jayant Abhyankar

She is having Ankush, Damaru, Sword in her hands. The remaining fourth hand is in Varad mudra posture. She is having her vehicle, Nandi with her. So I think, she must be Maheshwari. 

📷Jayant Abhyankar

This goddess is having a pitcher, a lotus, a sword and a bowl in her hands. She is shown with tiger as her vehicle. But the design carved on the neck of the animal makes me think that it can be mane and so the animal can be a lion. 

Devi inside the temple. 

The third temple in this complex is Vishnu temple. Vishnu's vehicle Garuda is present in front of the temple. 


Another view of the temple complex and Garud

Vishnu Mandir 

Beautiful arches of Vishnu Mandir. 

We have seen the photograph of Garuda in front of Vishnu mandir. On it's back side Hanuman is there, which can be seen in the above photograph. 

Beautifully carved arches in the temple complex.

Beautiful temple complex interior area. 

These temples and the carvings on them are very beautiful. They are important from the archaeological point of view as well as from historical point of view. There are very few temples from 18 the century which are having so many figures carved on them. 

There are ghats - steps going to river outside the temple. There is a big bell like the bell in the Menawali temple. But we couldn't see the ghat as well as the bell. 

I still keep on wondering, why the three temples are situated in cramped manner in a fortress like setting? Though the campus is big by today's standards, it is a bit cramped. Specially the beautiful star shaped Devi Mandir would have looked more beautiful, if it had some open space in the surroundings.

The second floor viewing gallery is very unusual for temples and offers beautiful view of the rivers, ghats and trees. You can see the gallery in one of the photos. 

The Dnyaneshwar Mandir, Mohiniraj Mandir, Devgad Datt Sansthan are very nearby, within approximately 15 kms from Siddheshwar Mandir, Toka. More people should visit these places and experience the architectural as well as spiritual wonders. Students of Iconography will surely find many carvings waiting for them to get interpreted. 

I had said in the starting that Siddheshwar Temple, Toke seems like a Bael leaf in stone, blooming on the confluence of Amrutwahini Pravara and Dakshinganga Godavari. Why Bael leaf? Like a bael leaf has three leaflets attached, here also there are three temples in one complex. Rather when we look at the beautiful carvings, it looks like a flower of three petals blooming from water!!

#Dronagiri #PeshaveEraTemple #EighteenthCenturyCarvings #TemplesOnConfluence #MaharashtraTempleArchitecture


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  📷Samrat Darda १५ एप्रिल, बनियाकुंड कॅम्पसाईट मधून काढलेला चंद्राचा सुंदर फोटो. त्या दिवशी शुक्ल पक्षातील सप्तमी किंवा अष्टमी असावी. कारण १७ एप्रिलला रामनवमी होती. सुंदर काळ्याभोर रात्रीचा सघन अंधार.. पौर्णिमा अजून साताठ दिवसांवर असली तरीही आत्तापासूनच तेजाळलेला चंद्र.. चमचमणारे, मध्येच ढगांच्या आड लपणारे चांदणे, आमच्या मनातील समिटविषयीची उत्सुकता..फार अनोखी रात्र होती ती.  उद्या पहाटे दोन वाजताचा वेकप कॉल असणार होता. आम्हाला आवरून, ब्रेकफास्ट करून तीन वाजता निघायचे होते. न विसरता घेण्याच्या गोष्टी तशा तर डे पॅक मध्ये भरूनच ठेवल्या होत्या. हेडलॅम्पच्या उजेडात सामान देखील आवरून ठेवले होते. पहाटे निघताना बाकी सामान मेन टेन्ट मध्ये नेऊन ठेवायचे होते.  इतक्या उंचीवर जायचे होते. काही तासांत आम्ही ४००० फुटांचा अल्टीट्युड गेन करणार होतो. झोपण्यासाठी डोळे मिटले खरे, पण मिटल्या डोळ्यांपुढेही बर्फाच्छादित शिखरांचीच दृश्ये तरळत होती. कधीतरी झोप लागली. सतत अधूनमधून जाग येऊन घड्याळात बघत होते. सगळे दोन वाजता उठणार, त्या आधी आपण आपले आवरून घेऊ या असा विचार डोक्यात होता तो बहुधा सतत जाग आणत असावा!!

देवरियाताल चंद्रशिला ट्रेक - भाग 4 - स्यालमी - बनियाकुंड

आदल्या संध्याकाळी भुरभुरत असलेल्या पावसाने हवेतला गारवा अजूनच वाढवला होता. इतक्या लहान तंबूमध्ये झोपण्याची पहिलीच वेळ होती. पण सुरुवातीचे दोन तास सोडले तर नंतरचे पाच तास चांगली झोप झाली. अगदी प्रसन्न जाग आली.काल एकदाच क्षणभर का होईना, मनात तरळून गेलेला,"आपण ट्रेक इथेच थांबवावा का?"ह्या विचाराचा आज कुठे मागमूसही उरला नव्हता. मनात होते,  "इरादे अगर पक्के हो, तो डगमगाए कदम क्यु? हौसले बुलंद हो तो सहमा सा हो मन क्यु? मंज़िल अब दूर नहीं.. बस संभल के चलना, कभी न रुकना, हार ना मानना, बस्स .. चलते रहना।" - वृंदा टिळक आमच्या सगळ्याच कॅम्पसाईट्स भन्नाट जागांवर होत्या. आजची स्यालमीची कॅम्प साईट देखील त्याला अपवाद नव्हती. नजर पोचेल तिथपर्यंत फक्त पर्वत रांगा आणि जंगल. मानवी वस्तीची जवळपास काहीच चाहूल नाही.  📷Samrat Darda  सगळ्यांचे आवरून वॉर्म अप करून आम्ही निघालो. आजचा सगळा रस्ता सुंदर असणार होता. काल इतके चढ उतार चढून उतरून आता सगळ्यांची चांगली तयारी झाली होती. शिवाय आज मी नीकॅप्स देखील घातल्या होत्या!! त्यामुळे समजा जरी आज रस्ता अवघड असला असता तरी काळजीचे काही कारण नव्हते.

ग्यानबोक पॅलेस, सेऊल, साऊथ कोरिया

राष्ट्रीय अस्मितेची चिन्हे परकीय आक्रमक पुसून टाकायचा प्रयत्न करतात, करतातच. जगभर अशी असंख्य उदाहरणे सापडतील. कारण त्याशिवाय त्यांना त्यांची सत्ता निर्माण करता येणार नसते. पण मग त्या त्या देशातील, देशावर प्रेम असणारे लोक काय करतात हे जाणून घ्यायचे असेल तर एक उदाहरण सांगते. आपल्याला सेऊल मधील ग्यानबोक  पॅलेस याच्याविषयी वाचायला हवे. ------------- तसा पोचायला आम्हाला थोडा उशीरच झाला होता. शेवटची इंग्लिश गाईडेड टूर चुकते की काय अशी भीती वाटायला लागली होती. अनेक कोरियन युवक युवती राजवाड्याकडे जाताना दिसत होते. विशेष म्हणजे त्यांनी पारंपरिक कोरियन पोशाख घातले होते. फार छान दिसत होते ते सगळे. आम्ही गेलो होतो, कोरियाच्या सार्वभौमत्वाचे मानचिन्ह असलेल्या ग्यानबोक पॅलेसला ( Gyeongbok Palace ) भेट देण्यासाठी.  तिकिटाच्या काउंटर जवळच राजवाड्याचे मुख्य प्रवेशद्वार आहे. त्याचे नाव आहे ग्वान्गमन गेट.( Gwanghwamun) . सेऊलच्या पुरातन इतिहासाचे प्रतीक असलेले हे प्रवेशद्वार १३९५ मध्ये बांधले गेले आहे. आज हे प्रवेशद्वार कोरियाची ओळख बनलेले आहे. कोरियाच्या वास्तुशास्त्राप्रमाणे, कोरियाची भरभराट व्हावी म्ह

Deoriatal - Chandrashila trek - Part 1 - Preparation

We dream… we dream about many things … but we strive to make only few of them a reality and leave the rest of the dreams as dreams only, to cherish them someday in our leisure time. A high altitude trek was one such dream of mine, always enthralling and yet a little daunting. So for years that dream remained a dream without becoming a reality. In November, my friend Dhanshree Jagtap did the Deoria Tal Chandrashila trek with Indiahikes. While chatting with her, I could get detailed information about this trek. She told that in March and April, rhododendron flowers will be blooming in this region … and the dormant dream was awakened once again. It is said that DeoriaTal is the lake where the famous Yaksha and Yudhishthira conversation had taken place. On the way to the summit, Tungnath is the highest temple of Shankara in the world, one of the Panch Kedars. It is said to have been built by the Pandavas. The summit point of the trek is Chandrashila. The place where Chandra did Tapas. It i


  नागाव म्हणजे माडापोफळींच्या वाड्या. नागाव म्हणजे केळीच्या बागा. नागाव म्हणजे सुंदर स्वच्छ समुद्रकिनारा.  नागाव म्हणजे वस्त्रगाळ मऊ वाळूचा किनारा.  नागाव म्हणजे अनेक मंदिरे. नागाव म्हणजे लक्षवेधी दीपमाळा. नागाव म्हणजे कोपऱ्या कोपऱ्यावर भेटणारे तळे! नागाव म्हणजे तळ्यात फुललेलीअनेकानेक कमळे!! नागावच्या शेजारचे  अक्षी, चौल, रेवदंडा ही देखील अशीच गावे. नितांतसुंदर, साधी. अलिबाग आणि ह्या सर्व गावांना मिळून अष्टागर असे म्हणत असत. आठ गावांचा समूह.  अलिबाग पर्यटन स्थळ म्हणून ७० च्या दशकापासूनच प्रसिद्ध झाले होते. तेव्हा शांत निवांत असलेले अलिबाग नंतर खूपच गजबजले आणि मग दुसऱ्या सहस्त्रकात अलिबागशेजारील रेवदंडा, नागाव, चौल ही लहान लहान गावे देखील पर्यटनस्थळे म्हणून विकसित होऊ लागली.  ह्या निवांत, शांत गावांना जणू अचानक खडबडून जाग आली. तिथेही पर्यटकांची गर्दी वाढू लागली. स्थानिक लोकांना रोजगार, विकासाची संधी, अर्थार्जनाची संधी त्यात दिसली.  गावांवर आधुनिक पेहराव चढला आणि तिथे उदयाला आली मुंबईकरांची आवडती पर्यटनस्थळे.  आता तर परिस्थिती अशी आहे की जवळ जवळ एका आड एका वाडीत आपल्याला रिसॉर्ट झालेला द

हम्पी- विठ्ठल मंदिर

तुंगभद्रा नदीच्या काठावर वसलेले  हम्पी . तिसऱ्या शतकापासून ह्या शहराचे उल्लेख आहेतच.  चौदाव्या शतकातल्या विजयनगर साम्राज्याची राजधानी असलेले  हम्पी .  विजयनगर साम्राज्यासोबतच  या शहराची देखील प्रगती  झाली आणि जगातले  एक अत्यंत श्रीमंत, भरभराटीला आलेले शहर म्हणून हम्पी मान्यता पावले. विदेशातून देखील व्यापारी  हम्पी ला येत असत.  चौदाव्या शतकाच्या आधीदेखील तिसऱ्या शतकापासून इतकेच काय, अगदी रामायण कालात देखील  हम्पीचे  उल्लेख आपल्याला सापडतात. अजून देखील ऋष्यमुक सारखी पर्वतांची नावे असतील किंवा पम्पा सरोवर, किष्किंधा अशी ठिकाणांची नावे असतील, आपल्याला सतत रामायणाचा संदर्भ दिसत राहतो. हनुमानाचे जन्मस्थान, राम लक्ष्मण हनुमानाला भेटले ते ठिकाण देखील ह्याच परिसरात आहे. त्यामुळे अनेक भाविक नेहमीच  हम्पी ला भेट देत असतात. इतिहास संशोधकांसाठी, कलेच्या अभ्यासकांसाठी देखील  हम्पी  फार महत्त्वाचे आहे ते त्यातील एकाहून एक सुंदर, कोरीव काम असलेल्या मंदिरांमुळे! युनेस्कोने देखील या संपूर्ण भागाला जागतिक वारसा स्थळ म्हणून मान्यता दिलेली आहे.  हम्पीतील  खरे तर सगळीच मंदिरे पाहण्याजोगी आहेत इतकेच काय तिथ

Deoriatal Chandrashila trek - Part 2- - Sari to Deoriatal.

The next morning, the trek started with a steep climb!! At one point during the climb, we turned back and bade goodbye to the Sari base camp. It was not known whether we would successfully complete the trek or not. But I was sure that we will definitely come back with a life changing experience.   Sari Base camp  📷 Supan Shah The road was paved with rough stones. But while climbing I was telling myself that these stones were better than walking in the slippery soil. 📷 Pawan Gowda You can guess how much the climb was, from this photo, but if you want to know how we were climbing, there is a video! विडिओ - सम्राट दर्डा The initial, few meters part of the road passed through populated areas. But the houses there were very few and sparse. Green fields were visible everywhere. Farming was done on the mountain slopes, by step method. This greenery enlivened the entire slope. The view 📷 Supan Shah 📷 Samrat Darda After walking on the ste