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Raigad- Capital of Hindavi Swarajya

Raigad! The emotions that occupy our mind when we hear this name are extraordinarily unique and indescribable. Today is 'Jyestha Shuddha Trayodashi' means 'Shiva Rajyabhishek Din', 'Hindu Samrajya Din'. A day of pride, a day of glory. Indian history is one of struggle and victory. The bright, golden page that shines in it, is the life and work of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj!

The tireless work of Shivaji Maharaj and his comrades reached its culmination on the day of Jyeshtha Shuddha Trayodashi, 1674. It was not just a coronation. It was not just an official announcement of the establishment of Hindavi Swarajya. It was an unprecedented invention, a result of combination of the power of noble minded people which was awakened by the teachings of the saints and the bravery and fortitude rekindled in the minds of the Mavalas, people of Maharashtra. 

The coronation was not Shivaji Maharaj's personal ambition. The vow taken as a child at Rohideshwar was fulfilled with untiring efforts. The promise of "It is God's wish that there should be Hindavi Swarajya" was fulfilled. With the coronation, Shivaji Maharaj turned the loyalty of the people towards the throne, towards Hindavi Swarajya, towards the organization instead of their loyalty with him as a person. Rulers with such an extraordinary vision are very rare. 

Shivaji Maharaj was an ideal king, a great general. He not only achieved the goal of gaining the recognition of other nations on the occasion of his coronation, but by shifting the allegiance of the people of Maharashtra to Swarajya, he created a system in which this struggle for Hindavi Swarajya would continue for many years even after his death. 

Shivaji Maharaj

Fort Raigad was the place of this unprecedented coronation! I am very happy to be writing this post today. Usually I write a blogpost to inform readers about the places I visit. But there is no need to give any new information in this post. We all know Raigad, even if we haven't been there.

We surely do know Raigad through the speeches and writings of Hon'ble Babasaheb Purandare and G. N. Dandekar. More books have been written on Raigad than any other fort. So even the people who visit for the first time don't feel like they are seeing Raigad for the first time! Today I am just going to evoke your memories of Raigad.
Situated in the Sahyadri ranges, the fort is at 1350 meters above sea level.(Many people quote various heights! The height I have written here, is that given on the information board at Raigad.) We had visited Raigad in October 2015. All the photos which are posted here are of that trip in October 2015.

Information Board 


The fort was initially built in the 12th century. It had various names since then. The names of the mountain were Rasivata, Tanas, Nandadeep. Later, when the fort was built, it's name was Rairi. Shirkes had the fort for many years. The fort was used to hold prisoners during the Nizam rule.

 The fort was conquered by Shivaji Maharaj in May 1656. It was very difficult to reach and climb, and it was close to the sea. So Shivaji Maharaj decided to make it the capital of Hindavi Swarajya. It is very appropriate that, Shivaji Maharaj, who had developed a naval force, armament system, considering the Dutch, Portuguese, Arabs and English invaders, chose a fort near the sea for his capital.

Your guide on the fort will tell you about what Maharaj had said while choosing this fort as his capital and even you can read it in many books. Maharaj's words can be read in the book, 'Sabhasadachi Bakhar'.(written in 1697) "One and a half village high - ten times higher than Devagiri. Grass does not grow on the ridges even during the rainy season. There is no place for birds to land on the vertical ridge" and happily he told,"This fort will be the capital of Hindavi Swaraj"

Our Guide

G. N.Dandekar had said that "There used to be many forts previously as well. But Shivchatrapati studied the fortifications, their needs, uses, importance, location, requirements, etc. very meticulously and made a complete science and scripture about it. He repaired the forts which were already there and he built new ones in strategic places.

Maharaj's ingenuity and foresight are seen every time. But most peculiarly in establishing the capital at Raigad. Raigad is in Konkan with mountainous region all around. Apart from some places like Warandh Ghat, Lingana, Mangaon, it can not be seen. It is close to Ghat but difficult to access. It is at about thirty miles from the beach. The edges are steep and pointed. Even if a bird wants to sit, it has no place. He chose this remote fort as his capital. From there the focus was on the ghats and the sea, both were within reach. "

How is the road to Raigad now? There is a Raigad Darshan bus from Pune. If you are coming from Mumbai, can go via Mahad road. The road was not in good condition when we went in 2015. But repairs were to be made soon. So now it will be better.

Road going towards Raigad

If you want to climb from the base, you have to climb about 1400/1500 steps. While climbing, you will get to see beauty of nature and many historical places. You will also enjoy mountaineering. In fact, this IS the way to reach Raigad.

Now there is a ropeway. You can book the ride online. the site is

We can book the cable car ride for single journey or return journey. We can reach to the top in few minutes if we travel by cable car.


View from the cable car

View from the cable car

View from the cable car

View from the cable car

View from the cable car

Accommodation facilities can be reserved on this website. They have a restaurant on the fort. But when we went in 2015, the food order had to be given at the office at the base! So that they can do the necessary arrangements. 
There are some shops at the base. But it is better to have some eatables with you. 

MTDC also provides accommodation facility on Raigad, they have a restaurant as well. You have to reserve it well in advance. 

Raigad, the capital of the empire, was built in 1674 by Heroji Indulkar by the orders of the Shivaji Maharaj. Today, after so many centuries, we can imagine the splendor of that time from the few traces that remain, even after being destroyed by the British.


Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad- Water Tank

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad

 I'm not going to give you very detailed information about Raigad! I will give just enough information so that those who have not seen Raigad will be curious and those who have seen it already will want to visit again!

The Market

 The shops in the market at Raigad are so high and wide that the customers can do the shopping while they are on the horseback. There are two rows of shops. Now only the foundation of the shops can be seen. The distance between the two rows is about 40 feet. There are more than twenty shops in each row.

Fort Raigad

Nagarkhana Darwaja


Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj 

Fort Raigad

This is a place that every Indian is proud of. One remembers many stories of Shivaji Maharaj. Even the thought that the coronation has taken place here, thrills one, while walking on Raigad.

 It is said that the acoustics is so managed during the construction of the fort, so that one could hear at the throne site, the speaker standing at far, the Nagarkhana Darwaja. We could experience this. As we were near the Nagarkhana Darwaja, we saw some tourists climbing on the throne and trying to take photos, keeping their hands on the shoulders of the Shivaji Maharaj statue. This arrogance literally angered us. We shouted and told them to get down from the throne. They could hear it and got down immediately. It was our good fortune that they had enough shame to get down at least after someone shouts!

I don't know what should be done with such reckless tourists, tourists who go to the forts and smoke, drink alcohol and destroy the sanctity of the forts by throwing garbage everywhere. Not to forget those, who write their names or scribble on the walls. 

Takmak Tok

In the past, criminals were pushed from the brink- Takmak tok, to execute the death sentence. It's really a steep slope. The death is hundred percent confirmed. Now it has become a good view point.


Stambh- The pillars

Stambh - the pillars

These are two beautiful pillars standing near Gangasagar. Three floors are still visible. It is said to have had five floors in the past. These twelve angled columns are very special. The inscription near the Jagadishwar temple is given below. The pillars mentioned in it should be the same.

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad


At the time of the coronation, water from various pilgrimage sites and rivers was brought and mixed in this lake. That is why, this lake is called Ganga Sagar.

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad

Fort Raigad- Ranivasa

Fort Raigad- Ranivasa

Ranivasa is the abode of queens. There are six palaces here. There are also houses for their helpers. All these people used the Mena Darvaja.

Fort Raigad

Raigad is now in the possession of the government as a protected monument. It is expected to be maintained by the concerned department of the government. The roads on the fort are quite good and direction and name boards can be found at many places. 

Fort Raigad- Holicha Maal

Fort Raigad- Holicha Maal

Holicha Maal and Shivaji Maharaj Statue

Fort Raigad

Steps of Jagadishwar Temple

Hiroji Indulkar was the architect and builder of Raigad. He furnished and decorated the fort by constructing such magnificent buildings. When the Maharaj was pleased and asked what he wanted, Hiroji said, "Nothing. But I would like to write my name on the Jagadishwar Temple steps. When Maharaj will visit the temple, he will set foot on my name. I don't want anything more than that." What a great example of the humble mind! One can see the name written on the steps, it is 'Heroji Italkar ready for service'.

Temple door and Nandi

Jagadishwar Temple



The inscription is like this. 
"श्री गणपतये नमः। प्रासादो जगदीश्वरस्य जगतामानंददोनुज्ञया श्रीमच्छत्रपतेः शिवस्यनृपतेःसिंहासने तिष्ठतः। शाकेषण्णवबाणभूमिगणनादानन्दसंवत्सरे ज्योतीराजमुहूर्तकिर्तीमहिते शुक्लेशसापै तिथौ ॥१॥ वापीकूपडागराजिरुचिरं रम्यं वनं वीतिकौ स्तभेः कुंभिगृहे नरेन्द्रसदनैरभ्रंलिहे मीहिते। श्रीमद्रायगिरौ गिरामविषये हीराजिना निर्मितो यावच्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ विलसतस्तावत्समुज्जृंभते ॥२॥"( copied from the internet )

The meaning is, "I pray to God Ganapati! This is the palace of Jagadishwar, pleasing to all the world. It was built by the orders of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Many lakes, tanks, ponds, gardens, roads, pillers, Gajshala, Royal Chambers have been built by Hiroji on Raigad. As long as there is the moon and the sun in the sky, keep it safe and as it is."

Waghya memorial

Raigad witnessed Shivaji Maharaj's coronation ceremony and also had to bear his death. Shake 1602 Chaitra Shuddha 15 (1680) saw the sad death of Shivaji Maharaj. It is said that even his dog named 'Waghya' jumped into pyre and sacrificed himself. We can see his memorial in front of the Jagadishwar temple. In this photo we can see the octagonal base of the Samadhi of Shivaji Maharaj. 

Shivaji Maharaj Samadhi
📷 Wikimedia Commons

It is true that the mind is saddened to see Maharaj's Samadhi, but then one feels that Maharaj will remain in the minds of all of us. His teachings will continue to guide us for ever. 

Fort Raigad

Jai Bhavani
Jai Shivaji

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  📷Samrat Darda १५ एप्रिल, बनियाकुंड कॅम्पसाईट मधून काढलेला चंद्राचा सुंदर फोटो. त्या दिवशी शुक्ल पक्षातील सप्तमी किंवा अष्टमी असावी. कारण १७ एप्रिलला रामनवमी होती. सुंदर काळ्याभोर रात्रीचा सघन अंधार.. पौर्णिमा अजून साताठ दिवसांवर असली तरीही आत्तापासूनच तेजाळलेला चंद्र.. चमचमणारे, मध्येच ढगांच्या आड लपणारे चांदणे, आमच्या मनातील समिटविषयीची उत्सुकता..फार अनोखी रात्र होती ती.  उद्या पहाटे दोन वाजताचा वेकप कॉल असणार होता. आम्हाला आवरून, ब्रेकफास्ट करून तीन वाजता निघायचे होते. न विसरता घेण्याच्या गोष्टी तशा तर डे पॅक मध्ये भरूनच ठेवल्या होत्या. हेडलॅम्पच्या उजेडात सामान देखील आवरून ठेवले होते. पहाटे निघताना बाकी सामान मेन टेन्ट मध्ये नेऊन ठेवायचे होते.  इतक्या उंचीवर जायचे होते. काही तासांत आम्ही ४००० फुटांचा अल्टीट्युड गेन करणार होतो. झोपण्यासाठी डोळे मिटले खरे, पण मिटल्या डोळ्यांपुढेही बर्फाच्छादित शिखरांचीच दृश्ये तरळत होती. कधीतरी झोप लागली. सतत अधूनमधून जाग येऊन घड्याळात बघत होते. सगळे दोन वाजता उठणार, त्या आधी आपण आपले आवरून घेऊ या असा विचार डोक्यात होता तो बहुधा सतत जाग आणत असावा!!

देवरियाताल चंद्रशिला ट्रेक - भाग 4 - स्यालमी - बनियाकुंड

आदल्या संध्याकाळी भुरभुरत असलेल्या पावसाने हवेतला गारवा अजूनच वाढवला होता. इतक्या लहान तंबूमध्ये झोपण्याची पहिलीच वेळ होती. पण सुरुवातीचे दोन तास सोडले तर नंतरचे पाच तास चांगली झोप झाली. अगदी प्रसन्न जाग आली.काल एकदाच क्षणभर का होईना, मनात तरळून गेलेला,"आपण ट्रेक इथेच थांबवावा का?"ह्या विचाराचा आज कुठे मागमूसही उरला नव्हता. मनात होते,  "इरादे अगर पक्के हो, तो डगमगाए कदम क्यु? हौसले बुलंद हो तो सहमा सा हो मन क्यु? मंज़िल अब दूर नहीं.. बस संभल के चलना, कभी न रुकना, हार ना मानना, बस्स .. चलते रहना।" - वृंदा टिळक आमच्या सगळ्याच कॅम्पसाईट्स भन्नाट जागांवर होत्या. आजची स्यालमीची कॅम्प साईट देखील त्याला अपवाद नव्हती. नजर पोचेल तिथपर्यंत फक्त पर्वत रांगा आणि जंगल. मानवी वस्तीची जवळपास काहीच चाहूल नाही.  📷Samrat Darda  सगळ्यांचे आवरून वॉर्म अप करून आम्ही निघालो. आजचा सगळा रस्ता सुंदर असणार होता. काल इतके चढ उतार चढून उतरून आता सगळ्यांची चांगली तयारी झाली होती. शिवाय आज मी नीकॅप्स देखील घातल्या होत्या!! त्यामुळे समजा जरी आज रस्ता अवघड असला असता तरी काळजीचे काही कारण नव्हते.

ग्यानबोक पॅलेस, सेऊल, साऊथ कोरिया

राष्ट्रीय अस्मितेची चिन्हे परकीय आक्रमक पुसून टाकायचा प्रयत्न करतात, करतातच. जगभर अशी असंख्य उदाहरणे सापडतील. कारण त्याशिवाय त्यांना त्यांची सत्ता निर्माण करता येणार नसते. पण मग त्या त्या देशातील, देशावर प्रेम असणारे लोक काय करतात हे जाणून घ्यायचे असेल तर एक उदाहरण सांगते. आपल्याला सेऊल मधील ग्यानबोक  पॅलेस याच्याविषयी वाचायला हवे. ------------- तसा पोचायला आम्हाला थोडा उशीरच झाला होता. शेवटची इंग्लिश गाईडेड टूर चुकते की काय अशी भीती वाटायला लागली होती. अनेक कोरियन युवक युवती राजवाड्याकडे जाताना दिसत होते. विशेष म्हणजे त्यांनी पारंपरिक कोरियन पोशाख घातले होते. फार छान दिसत होते ते सगळे. आम्ही गेलो होतो, कोरियाच्या सार्वभौमत्वाचे मानचिन्ह असलेल्या ग्यानबोक पॅलेसला ( Gyeongbok Palace ) भेट देण्यासाठी.  तिकिटाच्या काउंटर जवळच राजवाड्याचे मुख्य प्रवेशद्वार आहे. त्याचे नाव आहे ग्वान्गमन गेट.( Gwanghwamun) . सेऊलच्या पुरातन इतिहासाचे प्रतीक असलेले हे प्रवेशद्वार १३९५ मध्ये बांधले गेले आहे. आज हे प्रवेशद्वार कोरियाची ओळख बनलेले आहे. कोरियाच्या वास्तुशास्त्राप्रमाणे, कोरियाची भरभराट व्हावी म्ह

Deoriatal - Chandrashila trek - Part 1 - Preparation

We dream… we dream about many things … but we strive to make only few of them a reality and leave the rest of the dreams as dreams only, to cherish them someday in our leisure time. A high altitude trek was one such dream of mine, always enthralling and yet a little daunting. So for years that dream remained a dream without becoming a reality. In November, my friend Dhanshree Jagtap did the Deoria Tal Chandrashila trek with Indiahikes. While chatting with her, I could get detailed information about this trek. She told that in March and April, rhododendron flowers will be blooming in this region … and the dormant dream was awakened once again. It is said that DeoriaTal is the lake where the famous Yaksha and Yudhishthira conversation had taken place. On the way to the summit, Tungnath is the highest temple of Shankara in the world, one of the Panch Kedars. It is said to have been built by the Pandavas. The summit point of the trek is Chandrashila. The place where Chandra did Tapas. It i


  नागाव म्हणजे माडापोफळींच्या वाड्या. नागाव म्हणजे केळीच्या बागा. नागाव म्हणजे सुंदर स्वच्छ समुद्रकिनारा.  नागाव म्हणजे वस्त्रगाळ मऊ वाळूचा किनारा.  नागाव म्हणजे अनेक मंदिरे. नागाव म्हणजे लक्षवेधी दीपमाळा. नागाव म्हणजे कोपऱ्या कोपऱ्यावर भेटणारे तळे! नागाव म्हणजे तळ्यात फुललेलीअनेकानेक कमळे!! नागावच्या शेजारचे  अक्षी, चौल, रेवदंडा ही देखील अशीच गावे. नितांतसुंदर, साधी. अलिबाग आणि ह्या सर्व गावांना मिळून अष्टागर असे म्हणत असत. आठ गावांचा समूह.  अलिबाग पर्यटन स्थळ म्हणून ७० च्या दशकापासूनच प्रसिद्ध झाले होते. तेव्हा शांत निवांत असलेले अलिबाग नंतर खूपच गजबजले आणि मग दुसऱ्या सहस्त्रकात अलिबागशेजारील रेवदंडा, नागाव, चौल ही लहान लहान गावे देखील पर्यटनस्थळे म्हणून विकसित होऊ लागली.  ह्या निवांत, शांत गावांना जणू अचानक खडबडून जाग आली. तिथेही पर्यटकांची गर्दी वाढू लागली. स्थानिक लोकांना रोजगार, विकासाची संधी, अर्थार्जनाची संधी त्यात दिसली.  गावांवर आधुनिक पेहराव चढला आणि तिथे उदयाला आली मुंबईकरांची आवडती पर्यटनस्थळे.  आता तर परिस्थिती अशी आहे की जवळ जवळ एका आड एका वाडीत आपल्याला रिसॉर्ट झालेला द

हम्पी- विठ्ठल मंदिर

तुंगभद्रा नदीच्या काठावर वसलेले  हम्पी . तिसऱ्या शतकापासून ह्या शहराचे उल्लेख आहेतच.  चौदाव्या शतकातल्या विजयनगर साम्राज्याची राजधानी असलेले  हम्पी .  विजयनगर साम्राज्यासोबतच  या शहराची देखील प्रगती  झाली आणि जगातले  एक अत्यंत श्रीमंत, भरभराटीला आलेले शहर म्हणून हम्पी मान्यता पावले. विदेशातून देखील व्यापारी  हम्पी ला येत असत.  चौदाव्या शतकाच्या आधीदेखील तिसऱ्या शतकापासून इतकेच काय, अगदी रामायण कालात देखील  हम्पीचे  उल्लेख आपल्याला सापडतात. अजून देखील ऋष्यमुक सारखी पर्वतांची नावे असतील किंवा पम्पा सरोवर, किष्किंधा अशी ठिकाणांची नावे असतील, आपल्याला सतत रामायणाचा संदर्भ दिसत राहतो. हनुमानाचे जन्मस्थान, राम लक्ष्मण हनुमानाला भेटले ते ठिकाण देखील ह्याच परिसरात आहे. त्यामुळे अनेक भाविक नेहमीच  हम्पी ला भेट देत असतात. इतिहास संशोधकांसाठी, कलेच्या अभ्यासकांसाठी देखील  हम्पी  फार महत्त्वाचे आहे ते त्यातील एकाहून एक सुंदर, कोरीव काम असलेल्या मंदिरांमुळे! युनेस्कोने देखील या संपूर्ण भागाला जागतिक वारसा स्थळ म्हणून मान्यता दिलेली आहे.  हम्पीतील  खरे तर सगळीच मंदिरे पाहण्याजोगी आहेत इतकेच काय तिथ

Deoriatal Chandrashila trek - Part 2- - Sari to Deoriatal.

The next morning, the trek started with a steep climb!! At one point during the climb, we turned back and bade goodbye to the Sari base camp. It was not known whether we would successfully complete the trek or not. But I was sure that we will definitely come back with a life changing experience.   Sari Base camp  📷 Supan Shah The road was paved with rough stones. But while climbing I was telling myself that these stones were better than walking in the slippery soil. 📷 Pawan Gowda You can guess how much the climb was, from this photo, but if you want to know how we were climbing, there is a video! विडिओ - सम्राट दर्डा The initial, few meters part of the road passed through populated areas. But the houses there were very few and sparse. Green fields were visible everywhere. Farming was done on the mountain slopes, by step method. This greenery enlivened the entire slope. The view 📷 Supan Shah 📷 Samrat Darda After walking on the ste