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Showing posts from November, 2020

Nuranang Falls and Tawang monastery

In last post we were at Sela and Jasawantgarh war memorial. After seeing the war memorial we left for Tawang. On the way, we visited Nuranang falls.  Nuranang falls, also known as Jung falls or Bong Bong falls, are in Tawang District of Arunachal Pradesh. The falls are spectacular. Not many people know about this place so still it hasn't become a crowded spot. It's in a dense forest, the only noise being the noise of falling water.  Nuranang Falls. The beautiful white cascade falls from 100 meters altitude making a thunderous noise. If you are lucky, you can witness rainbows as well. There is a small hydroelectric  plant near the falls. Most probably the tar road is built for the hydroelectric plant.  There is a walkway for going near the fall. Though the road is slippery and will try your trekking skills, you can go till the bottom of the falls, where it falls in the Tawang river. It's about 40 kms from Tawang and though not many people go there, thousands of people have w

नुरानंग फॉल्स आणि तवांग बौद्ध मठ

मागील पोस्टमध्ये आपण सेला आणि जसवंतगढ युद्ध स्मारकाला भेट दिली होती. युद्ध स्मारकाला भेट दिल्यानंतर आम्ही तवांगकडे निघालो. जाताना वाटेत नुरानंग फॉल्सना भेट दिली.  नुरानंग फॉल्स हे अरुणाचल प्रदेशातील तवांग जिल्ह्यात आहेत. त्यांना जंग फॉल्स किंवा बॉंग बॉंग फॉल्स असे देखील म्हणतात. जास्त लोकांना अजून हे ठिकाण माहिती नाही. त्यामुळे तिथे पर्यटकांची गर्दी नसते. आजूबाजूला घनदाट जंगल असल्याने इथे खूप शांतता आहे. धबधब्याच्या पडणाऱ्या पाण्याचाच काय तो आवाज! नुरानंग फॉल्स शंभर मीटरवरून पडणारा हा धबधबा खूपच छान दिसतो. पाण्याचा वेग, सर्वत्र उडणारे तुषार ह्या सौंदर्यामुळे काळे डोंगर आणि हिरव्या जंगलाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर हा शुभ्र पांढरा धबधबा शोभून दिसतो. तुम्ही सुदैवी असाल तर तुम्हाला इंद्रधनुष्ये देखील दिसू शकतात.  तिथेच एक छोटेसे जलविद्युत केंद्र आहे. मला वाटते की ह्या जलविद्युत केंद्रासाठीच तिथे येणारी पक्की सडक बांधली गेली असावी. धबधब्यापर्यंत जाण्यासाठी एक पायवाट आहे. थोडी निसरडी असणारी ही पायवाट तुम्ही ट्रेकिंग साठी शिकलेली कौशल्ये वापरायची संधी देते! पण ह्या वाटेने गेलात तर तुम्ही अगदी तळाशी,

Se La and Jasawantgarh War Memorial

In Last post, we were in Dirang and had seen the beautiful and famous sunrise in Dirang. The picturesque town of Dirang had set our expectations high. We were really looking forward to traveling to Se la Pass. La in Tibetan language means pass, so actually we should say Se La. But commonly everywhere it is mentioned as Se la Pass! Being one of the highest motorable roads in Arunachal Pradesh, the road surely gives you a fantastic ride. This is the only road connecting Tawang with the rest of India. Naturally this road is of utmost importance from the security point of view as well as for connectivity.  At approximately 13,700 ft height from sea level, you cross the Himalayan ranges between Dirang in West Kameng district and Tawang. Though the climate is cold and the road is covered by ice many times, the BRO (Border road organization makes it sure that the road will be open for travel. Only a few times in year, due to heavy snowfall or landslide, the road is closed. But BRO takes all